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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Interesting facts about Indian flag : Tricolour (Tiranga)

Indian national flag is symbol of our national pride .Tricolour flag represents dominion of India. The constitution says ''the Indian national flag represents the hopes and aspirations of the people of India''. Indian flag is made of three colours ; namely saffron, white and green. That is why name Tiranga. The philosopher Dr. S Radhakrishnan,who later became vice president and president of India explained the meaning of different colours in Tricolour during adoption of flag
pic source

"Bhagwa or the saffron colour denotes renunciation or disinterestedness. Our leaders must be indifferent to material gains and dedicate themselves to their work. The white in the centre is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our relation to (the) soil, our relation to the plant life here, on which all other life depends. The "Ashoka Chakra" in the centre of the white is the wheel of the law of dharma. Truth or satyadharma or virtue ought to be the controlling principle of those who work under this flag. Again, the wheel denotes motion. There is death in stagnation. There is life in movement. India should no more resist change, it must move and go forward. The wheel represents the dynamism of a peaceful change."

Here we present some interesting facts and general knowledge about our national flag :

  • Current flag became the official flag of India on 15th august 1947. The current flag(tricolour) is an adaption of Pingali venkeyya's original design and he is generally credited as designer of flag.
  • Usage of flag is governed by the  Flag code of India 2002,and other laws relating to national emblems such as The emblems & names(prevention of improper usage)act,1950; and The prevention of insults to national honour act,1971.
  • According to flag code of India ,the Indian flag has a ratio of 2:3(where the length of flag is 1.5 times that of the width).
  • The standard flag is made of hand spun cotton or silk or khadi.
  • size of Asoka chakra is not specified in the flag code, but it has 24 spokes that are evenly spaced and it has navy blue colour.
  • According to flag code of India ,insult to national flag,including gross affronts or indignities to it or violation of flag code are punishable by law with imprisonment up to three years or a fine or both.
  • standard flag sizes
    img source;wikipedia
  • The privilege of flying the national flag on vehicles is restricted to :
  1. The president
  2. The vice president
  3. Prime minister
  4. Governors and lieutenant governors of states
  5. Chief ministers
  6. Union ministers
  7. MP and MLAs
  8. Judges of supreme court and high courts
  9. Flag officers of army,navy and air force
  • Earlier it was not permitted to use the national flag as a portion of costume or uniform of any description or embroidering or printing it on cushions,handkerchiefs,napkins or any dress material. But amendments in 2005(Prevention of insult to national honour(amendment)act 2005) allows members of public to use national flag on their costumes or uniform in a respectable manner,with a safeguard that it shall not be used or worn below the waist,nor it would be used by way of embroidering or printing in items of daily use such as handkerchiefs,napkins,undergarments etc.
  • On 18th feb 2016,the MHRD decreed that the national flag will fly on a minimum 207 feet high mast on the premises of all centre sponsered universities of India.This decision came in the wake of ongoing JNU controversy.


Friday 20 January 2017

JALLIKATTU - A bull taming sport

The Supreme Court's restriction on holding Jallikattu, a bull-restraining game, is bringing on offensive frustration and outrage to some extremely vocal areas of Tamil Nadu who were getting ready to arrange the game considered by them as a fundamental piece of Pongal celebration.
Strangely, an uncommon solidarity is being seen today among vital political gatherings in the State –
the AIADMK, DMK, BJP, PMK, DMDK, Nam Tamilar and numerous other little gatherings – for resuscitating this country don in peril of eradication. There is a request that the officially sanctioned a Statute to sidestep the Court stay, which is a major hit to the Union Ministry of Environment and forest (MoEF), which had lifted the prohibition on this game forced by the Supreme Court in 2014. The late stay was allowed on an appeal to drive by the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Associations (FIAPO), People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA) against the notification of the Ministry expelling bulls from the rundown of performing creatures under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act.

It was, however, an emphasis of the stand taken by the Supreme Court in 2014 to affirm the amazingness of the Constitutional guideline cherished in Article 51A (g) and (h) and to ensure the rights and welfare of creatures.Jallikattu is a deep rooted customary bull-restraining sports occasion basic in towns in Tamil Nadu, particularly in the southern locale. Its history is followed with pride to medieval kingdoms and even to an antiquated period to accentuate its vestige and its status as a social legacy.

From past days, it is a diversion played amongst men and bulls to bring the last under control. The battle shows boldness and quality of men and the diversion itself are named as "session of valour of Tamilians". The soul of the diversion has been maintained over hundreds of years and stories of ladies picking to wed the champs have listened. Indeed, even in a few movies in which best stars have acted, scenes of Jallikattu have been incorporated to highlight the bravery of the hero.

The game has nearly turned into an industry in which bull proprietors have a high stake. Unique and uncommon types of bulls are raised and prepared to make the game increasingly energising. Prizes given to the champs have additionally expanded complex and are as money and kind and incorporate gold coins, current devices, and family unit articles. Taking after the Supreme Court's boycott arrange on Jallikattu, a Division seat of the Kerala High Court pronounced this would be relevant to certain amusements like Kannupootu, Kaalapootu, and Maramadi played in the State with creature members.

As indicated by the data from the Jallikattu Peravai, the game is held in 175 towns crosswise over 17 locales as a major aspect of Pongal celebrations, furthermore, is likewise a "fundamental piece of sanctuary celebrations and that is the reason the boycott has influenced the conclusions of individuals". Pongal is a collect celebration praised all over Tamil Nadu with incredible energy by individuals of all standings. It is basic information that bulls taking part in Jallikattu are made to experience extreme preparing and uncommon raising. Be that as it may, every living creature's common sense entitlement bunches gripe that bulls are compelled to drink liquor, and tormented to make them forceful and savage. Direct reports specify unspeakable types of savagery inflicted on these creatures however supporters of the game deny all assertions.

In any case, the reality remains that the more vivacious the battle meaning the more savage the bulls, the more noteworthy is the fervour in the amusement. Rights activists have the motivation to denounce this amusement as one not showing "valour" in the best possible feeling of the term, however, an unrefined battle between a creature and men taking after the unfeeling recreations played in the antiquated Roman realm.