Recently a lot of media hype is there about Bob Dylan getting theNobel prize for literature.
Here we present some facts about the Nobel prize given every year:-
(1) Nobel prize is awarded for outstanding contribution in fields ofchemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, and physiology ormedicine.(2) Sweden and Norway presents the award every year.The Royal SwedishAcademy of sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prizein Chemistry, and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, theNobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize inPhysiology or Medicine, the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize inLiterature, and the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded not by a Swedishorganisation but by the Norwegian Nobel committee.(3) Nobel prize was first awarded in 1901.(4) Initially Nobel prize was not given in field of economics, In1968, Sveriges Riksbank celebrated its 300th anniversary by donating alarge sum of money to the Nobel Foundation to be used to set up aprize in honour of Nobel. That year, the Nobel memorial prize ineconomic sciences was awarded for the first time.(5) The prize ceremonies take place annually in Stockholm, Sweden(with the exception of peace prize which is held in Oslo, Norway).(6) Each recipient (or laureate) receives a gold medal, a diploma anda sum of money decided by Nobel foundation (the Nobel prize amount for2016 is set at Swedish kronor SEK, 8.0 million per full Nobel prize).
(1) Nobel prize is awarded for outstanding contribution in fields ofchemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, and physiology ormedicine.(2) Sweden and Norway presents the award every year.The Royal SwedishAcademy of sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prizein Chemistry, and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, theNobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize inPhysiology or Medicine, the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize inLiterature, and the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded not by a Swedishorganisation but by the Norwegian Nobel committee.(3) Nobel prize was first awarded in 1901.(4) Initially Nobel prize was not given in field of economics, In1968, Sveriges Riksbank celebrated its 300th anniversary by donating alarge sum of money to the Nobel Foundation to be used to set up aprize in honour of Nobel. That year, the Nobel memorial prize ineconomic sciences was awarded for the first time.(5) The prize ceremonies take place annually in Stockholm, Sweden(with the exception of peace prize which is held in Oslo, Norway).(6) Each recipient (or laureate) receives a gold medal, a diploma anda sum of money decided by Nobel foundation (the Nobel prize amount for2016 is set at Swedish kronor SEK, 8.0 million per full Nobel prize).
Story of Nobel prize :--
Nobel prize is given in the name and honour of Swedish inventorAlfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel was a chemist, engineer and inventor. Nobelmade a lot of inventions of which 'Dynamite' is the most famous. Thewill of Alfred Nobel established the prizes in 1895.
»Alfred Nobel did a lot of innovations, and earned a lot of money fromhis patents.
»In 1888, Alfred Nobel's brother Ludwig died due to some accident. Onthe next day a french newspaper mistakenly published Alfred'sObituary.It condemned him for his invention of dynamite, Obituary stated "Themerchant of death is dead"It further stated "Dr, Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding waysto kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday".
»Alfred Nobel was disappointed with what he read and decided to leavea better legacy after his death.
»This inspired Nobel to change his will. His will specified that histotal fortune to be uesd to confer awards in various fields ofchemistry, peace, physics, medicine etc. After his death Nobel prizefoundation was established. And thats how Nobel prizes were awarded.
(Doesn't that seem an interesting story?)
(Doesn't that seem an interesting story?)