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Friday 14 October 2016

Surgical strikes and political aftermath in India

Recent surgical strikes that the Indian armed forces conducted across the line of control, are being highlighted in the media constantly due to growing politics over the issue. Surgical strikes came up in the wake of terror attack at an army camp in Uri(kashmir), on september 18th in which our 19 soldiers were killed.

Here are some facts about the surgical strike :-

1. Such strikes were also carried out in the past (remeber operation ginger) but they were different in certain ways, like scale of operation and political involvement.

2. Previous strikes mostly happened at operational-tactical level. Which means that local army commanders took the action and government was informed later.

3. This strike was different because it includes the highest level of political involvement. Some reports say that PM Modi was himself watching the whole operation( live ) conducted by our armed forces.

4. As soon as the news spread in media Pakistan denied any kind of strike in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

5. Meanwhile Pak troops also resorted to heavy cross border firing along LOC after this strike.

6. Some terrorist attacks are also reported in baramula and pampore district of Kashmir.

Now have a look at political scenario post surgical strike in India:-

1. There were tough times ahead post Uri attack, for modi led NDA government. Public sentiments were creating pressure over government to act tough and give befitting reply to Pakistan. At the same time Modi government was also suffering backlash over the ongoing tension in Kashmir.

2. After the successful conduct of surgical strikes, congress and opposition parties displayed their support for government's decision.

3. When Pakistani establishment denied any kind of cross border strike on their side of LOC, a debate started about whether government should release video proof of the operation. Although government decided to not to make public those evidences due to safety concerns.

4. Meanwhile some BJP leaders and hindutva groups were too much tempted to take the advantage of this operation for their political advantage. In UP at some places posters have appeared to celebrate surgical strikes. Some of them were using PM's image posed as superhero.

"Defence minister Parrikar's statement were seen as chest thumping of BJP and Modi government."


5. Oppsition is accusing the central government for politicisation of the issue, and stated that Modi Gov. is using surgical strikes for their electoral gains. Opposition demanded to give evidence after Pakistan claimed no strike happened. Government accused the opposition of lowering the morale of armed forces and doubting our forces capability. Delhi CM Mr. Arvind kejriwal projected as anti nation or Anti Indian Army for asking video proof of surgical strikes. While Rahul Gandhi was criticized for his 'khoon ki dalali' remark.

6. NOW THE INTERESTING THING IS, either call it coincidence or SOMETHING ELSE, some States of India are going to face assembly elections next year (Goa, Manipur, Punjab, Uttarakhand, UP, Gujrat and Himanchal Pradesh) in 2017. And such kind of nationalistic and anti pakistan sentiments are supposed to benefit BJP in elections. Or if these sentiments fuses over the time it may backfire for the BJP.

We believe that credit for surgical ops goes to Army for their sound planning and precise execution, and also to government to give army a free hand. These strike displays our capability to act against the cross border terrorism sponsored by Pakistani army.
But as the current happening going on, and this issue is being politicised, it may somehow diminish the image and prestige of Indian army.

Your views are welcome in the comment box. 

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